6 Owner Financing Tips For Sellers In Tri-Cities

If you’re thinking of selling your house using owner financing, make sure you read this blog post to learn the 6 owner financing tips for sellers in Tri-Cities… There are many ways to sell your house. You could list it on the market and see what sellers will pay. You could work with a real … Continued

Can Appraisals Affect The Selling Price On A House In Tri-Cities?

If you’re thinking about selling your house then you are probably trying to figure out what your selling price might be. Part of that process is getting an appraisal (or valuation) on your home. So, if you’re wondering, “Can appraisals affect the selling price on a house in Tri-Cities?” then keep reading… When selling your … Continued

How To Price Your Inherited Home In Tri-Cities For Sale

If you’ve inherited a property and you’re planning to sell it, make sure you read this blog post for 3 tips about how to price your inherited home in Tri-Cities for sale… Did you inherit a property that you’re now thinking about selling? While an inherited property can be a wonderful gift from a loved … Continued

Selling Your House While Divorcing in Tri-Cities

If you’re going through a difficult divorce and trying to figure out what to do about your unwanted real estate, then keep reading this blog post to give you our best suggestions about selling your house while divorcing in Tri-Cities… Divorce can be challenging and emotional. Yet, in the midst of the difficult situation, you … Continued

Selling An Unsecured Promissory Note In WA?

If you’re in WA (especially Tri-Cities), when it comes to unsecured promissory notes, there are two things to keep in mind: Its current value and its future value.  If you are considering selling an unsecured promissory note in Tri-Cities, the first thing you need to do is determine its current value or market value (that … Continued

Can I Sell A Private Mortgage In WA?

There has never been a better time to sell a WA mortgage note or promissory note, so if you’re wondering “Can I sell a private mortgage in Tri-Cities WA?” the answer is: you absolutely can! Interest rates are very attractive right now but that could change at any moment, and interest rates could start climbing … Continued

I Want To Sell My Real Estate Note In Tri-Cities WA

“I want to sell my real estate note in Tri-Cities WA…Where do I start?” Holding a real estate note, private mortgage note, private promissory note or other paper real estate asset in WA can sometimes be a challenging proposition: They don’t always offer the highest returns, you collect your cash over a period of time, … Continued